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MWA Phase II - Starts Tomorrow/Registration Below

  1. We believe in a Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III training mindset throughout a calendar year. This mindset incorporates many other interscholastic sports that create competitive arenas to grow, and develop as a young man. The arena of sports in which we create a winning culture and climate takes care of itself.
  2. Phase II– Classroom Work – You will NEED – Notebook (Daily Journaling)!**Many of kids “forgot” their notebooks last year or never really formed a habit to use them. This is a must and one of the most important part of our program. We will hold them more accountable to their journaling this year. Open Mind, High Expectations, Intense Mindset, Focus, Enthusiasm, Healthy Lifestyle, Choices, Consequences, “It” Factor, Goal Setting, Podium, Grace, Losing, and Winning.
  3. Phase II- Transforming the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Strength, Endurance, Pain, Sacrifice, Brotherhood, Belief, and Fox Hole.
  4. Weight Training Principles – Body Transformed – 7 days a week.
  5. Wrestling Technique – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies
  6. Small Groups Instruction – Feet, Top, Bottom, Freestyle, and Greco
  7. Faith, Homework, Accountability, Respect, Parenting, Family, and Authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     These are just the beginning topics each wrestler will receive. The journaling process will be required on these topics at our first practice Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights.

We look forward to the 2021-2022 Wrestling Season.

Sunday’s in Baltic with 4th-8thgraders

Tuesday’s in Baltic with State Qualifiers

Thursday’s in Baltic with K-3

**We have added a 60" TV and Technology to utilize our FloWrestling account and Attack Style Wrestling Curriculum by Daryl Weber Training Serie

Doors Unlocked at 6:20pm each night.

MWA Staff - Over 150 years of Coaching/Wrestling Experience.


Quote from TobyDBryant on November 27, 2021, 7:14 am
  1. We believe in a Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III training mindset throughout a calendar year. This mindset incorporates many other interscholastic sports that create competitive arenas to grow, and develop as a young man. The arena of sports in which we create a winning culture and climate takes care of itself.
  2. Phase II– Classroom Work – You will NEED – Notebook (Daily Journaling)!**Many of kids “forgot” their notebooks last year or never really formed a habit to use them. This is a must and one of the most important part of our program. We will hold them more accountable to their journaling this year. Open Mind, High Expectations, Intense Mindset, Focus, Enthusiasm, Healthy Lifestyle, Choices, Consequences, “It” Factor, Goal Setting, Podium, Grace, Losing, and Winning.
  3. Phase II- Transforming the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Strength, Endurance, Pain, Sacrifice, Brotherhood, Belief, and Fox Hole.
  4. Weight Training Principles – Body Transformed – 7 days a week.
  5. Wrestling Technique – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies
  6. Small Groups Instruction – Feet, Top, Bottom, Freestyle, and Greco
  7. Faith, Homework, Accountability, Respect, Parenting, Family, and Authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 These are just the beginning topics each wrestler will receive. The journaling process will be required on these topics at our first practice Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights.

We look forward to the 2021-2022 Wrestling Season.

Sunday’s in Baltic with 4th-8thgraders

Tuesday’s in Baltic with State Qualifiers

Thursday’s in Baltic with K-3

**We have added a 60" TV and Technology to utilize our FloWrestling account and Attack Style Wrestling Curriculum by Daryl Weber Training Series.

Doors Unlocked at 6:20pm each night.

MWA Staff - Over 150 years of Coaching/Wrestling Experience.



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