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South Dakota Class A Ratings 12 deep Week #8 - 2021/2022

South Dakota Class A Ratings 12 deep Week #8 - 2021/2022

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Quick question, how did ian johnson wat 152 only move one spot after placing 3rd at lee wolf and he pinned Luke Richardson can 160 and he beat Gunnar kvistad cwl 152, he also beat Rollie French a few weeks ago and he was still ranked higher.

With the name of @ian-johnson, you probably could have said "Why did I only move up 1 spot", instead of "Why did Ian Johnson only move up 1 spot".

Viper, Reaper and 11 other users have reacted to this post.
ViperReapermarx07TigerGuy3pointnearfallTigerPridedancoach deanTWLHawk96JaggerreshotJesseDJohnsonBV120

Ha ha ha. Love it!

I think Ian Johnson was correct you guys should have moved him up more than 1 spot!! Nice tournament kid.

3pointnearfall has reacted to this post.

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