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STATE Tournament Comments, Concerns?

Just a few thoughts.

I like the old schedule.   Semi-Finals on Thursday night just doesn't seem right.

The city of Fargo will make less also.   I'm guessing a lot of fans are home today and a lot of the ones there today will not be staying tonight.  The old schedule roped even the 0-2 kids there 2 days.  Now you have to place to make it to day 2.    I'll bet the coaches and wrestlers a little tired after a LONG and hard fought day Thursday.

I'm glad I could use my Flo account to watch!!

Any other concerns?   I'm not there so I'm guessing Fargo is still doing a good to great job with the way it's run.   But IDK?  Hope you like Fargo Dome food as you were pretty much stuck there all day.

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Dakota Grappler

Oh, One thing I forgot

WHY if there are no duals, are they not starting Thursday at 106?   Strange to me?

I know there’s still a fair bit of unhappiness with how they seeded the A brackets, but other than that I haven’t heard other complaints. I liked starting at other weights than 106 just because it was a bit different

One thing I like about duals on Saturday is guys going up and down.   Greenly was able to weigh in at 170 to bump to 182!!  Sveum must be a light 170 lber as he's at 160 today.  Moves like that are impossible with old schedule.

Congratulations KENMARE!!   Great to see that program rebound.

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