I need to make a few statements before you watch this video… I am doing this for education purposes, and to better wrestling. I in no way trying to belittle anyone or show something that would cause any wrestler or referee disparagement. I am going to have two videos one clear video and then one from a distance of the whole match. To get the whole story you might have to talk to all people involved. If you are going to make any comments I would like them to address how we can improve as a referee.
My statement: Senario… as a referee you see something brewing in a match… the coach sees something brewing in a match and actually talks to you about it. What is your job to stop or at minimum discourage this from happening… Could this have been handled different on the referree’s side. I know the thrown punch was wrong… Is there a way to prevent this? 50% or up to 100% with a small meeting between the individuals? Just questions… I want this to be… let’s get better.
Full match before swing – from a distance